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The Future of Email Standardization: The Changes Realized by International Standard

Hand pointing to a digital interface displaying ISO and various related icons in a circular arrangement on a dark background.

By Emma Taylor


Email has become a vital communication tool in today's society. However, its widespread use has revealed security concerns, especially with the lack of standardization. International email standard proposal, submitted to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), addresses these concerns. The standard, X.sr-ctea (X.1221), focuses on enhancing email security against targeted attacks and offers solutions for better compatibility and user experience. The adoption of this standard is expected to foster collaboration among email service providers, improve email service compatibility, and elevate the overall user experience. These efforts mark a significant step towards a safer and more efficient email environment.

1. Introduction: The Need for Standardization

Email has established itself as one of the core communication tools in modern society. Individuals, businesses, and government agencies utilize email to share information and communicate. However, as the proliferation and use of email have increased, various fundamental issues have gradually come to light. Security concerns related to email, in particular, have garnered significant attention. Threats like spam and phishing emails jeopardize both individual privacy and critical business data. To address these issues, a comprehensive standardization of the email system is essential. In this context, submission of an international email standard holds profound significance. The goal is to enhance email compatibility and security through standardization, providing a better email environment for both users and businesses. This will pave the way for email to evolve into a more efficient and secure communication tool.

2. Email Security Issues Due to Lack of Standardization

The integrity and reliability of data, or its quality, directly influence decision-making, which in turn affects business success. Many companies use email as a means to exchange such data with external vendors. To consistently ensure data integrity and reliability across various tasks and systems, the email system must remain uncompromised and possess robust security solutions This is especially crucial  in today's business environment, where information systems are heavily relied upon.

 When companies select email security solutions, the absence of standardization complicates their choices: numerous products exist in the market, each boasting different security features and characteristics. This diversity makes it challenging for companies seeking to select products tailored to their specific needs.

Compatibility Issue

White jigsaw puzzle pieces with various digital symbols including an email icon, shield, person, and gear.

Non-standardized email security solutions lack compatibility with one another, leading to potential integration issues with internal systems or other security solutions.

Maintenance Challenges

Concerned technician in a server room with a sign saying 'UPDATE REQUIRED' due to non-standardized solutions.

As security threats evolve over time, non-standardized solutions might struggle to adapt swiftly, requiring continuous updates and maintenance.

Increased Costs

A stressed man in a suit is sitting at a desk with an open book, surrounded by floating digital displays showing various email security alerts and pop-ups.

Each solution requires unique training, incurring additional costs. Managing multiple solutions simultaneously can also escalate expenses.

Increased Security Risks

A 3D rendered image of a lock on a digital circuit board background with a red warning triangle breaking into it, symbolizing a security breach.

Non-standardized solutions employ various security mechanisms, making it difficult to implement consistent security policies. This inconsistencies can lead to  vulnerabilities, that may offer attackers with oppertunities for exploitation.

3. Introduction to International Standard Proposal: Key Features and Characteristics

Professional team in a meeting room discussing the 'INTERNATIONAL EMAIL STANDARD' displayed on a large screen behind them with various digital graphics.

The international standard primarily focuses on security requirements and countermeasures against email attacks. This standard, named X.sr-ctea (X.1221), is based on the consensus C386 from the SG17 meeting held in August/September 2023. The standard outlines security requirements to prevent or block targeted email attacks, incorporating multi-level management to thwart both inbound and outbound email threats. Unlike generic spam or phishing attacks, targeted email attacks are sophisticated and often exploit the social connections of their specific targets. Various countermeasures against email attacks are proposed, including email filtering for malicious code and mechanisms to detect and prevent social engineering attacks. This standard will serve as a reference for the design direction and objectives of future email security diagnostic frameworks and will be used internationally.

4. Achieving Change Through Standard 

Enhanced Email Service Compatibility Through Standardization

Diverse individuals using various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, with a large computer monitor displaying an email icon in the center.

With the adoption of  standard, compatibility issues between various email service providers and clients are expected to diminish significantly, allowing users to enjoy a consistent email experience across multiple devices and platforms.

Improved User Experience

A smiling young woman using a laptop in a modern cafe, with a coffee cup next to her. The laptop screen displays a "FAST-LOADING" message with a green checkmark.

The speed and reliability of email transmissions will improve, offering users a faster and more stable email experience. Enhanced security measures will also ensure better protection of user data and personal information.

Changes in Collaboration and Competitive Among Email Service Providers

A group of professionals gathered around a large conference table, engaging in a discussion, with large digital screens displaying graphs, a world map, and email standardization data in the background.

The introduction of the standard is anticipated to foster collaboration among email service providers. Concurrently, competition under standardized criteria will intensify, ultimately benefiting the end-users by providing superior services.

5. Conclusion

The submission of an international email standard represents a pivotal step towards the future of email communication. This standard aims to enhance email security, compatibility, and user experience, promising a safer and more efficient email environment for all. The importance of standardization cannot be overstated, and these efforts mark a significant stride in this direction. The future of email standardization looks promising, with international standard proposal at its core.

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